MuRatopia Institute




in Awaji Island, Japan

Do you see the futures of the Island
in the present Kobe city ?


Do you see the futures of the 21st Century
in the present Awaji Island ?

Click here for a large picture

(This homepage is still under construction!)

What is MuRatopia?

The word MuRatopia is originally coined by Kaoru Yamaguchi in his book: Beyond Walras, Keynes and Marx - Synthesis in Economic Theory Toward a New Social Design, Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., New York 1988, as follows:

"We will call such a re-unified future economy MuRatopian economy, where co-workers work co-operatively in communes, communities, local organizations, and global organizations in harmony with nature. The Japanese word mura literally means village. I have envisioned the future society in the spirit and practice of a Japanese village where village people live in a self-sufficient community, help each other co-operatively at the busiest time of harvest, and respect nature's way. The one character word mura may also be considered as consisting of two different characters: Mu and Ra. Mu implies "nothingness" or "emptiness" - the most fundamental concept of Zen Buddhism, and Ra means "being naked" or "having no possession." Accordingly, I have associated the implications of Mu (nothingness) and Ra (no possession) with mura (village), because I have further envisioned the mind of future society in the combination of these concepts. -topia is from the Greek topos, which means place. Hence, the word MuRatopia is now coined to describe our new social design.
This is our future economy. (Chapter 8, pp .170-171.)"


Think Wholistically
"Think Globally" とは違うのでご注意を。

Act Partially

Live Ecologically
自然と共生する生き方をする。ガイアとしての地球を生命体「全体」としてとらえた場合、その健康を保持するための「部分」の行動ルールを求めるとすれば、その第1条は、"Live Ecologically" である。

複雑系 (Complexity) による新しいものの見方、考え方について

Complex (Self-Organizing) Systems

"A complex system is one whose component parts interact
with sufficient intricacy that they cannot be predicted by
standard linear equations; so many variables are at work in
the system that its overall behavior can only be understood
as an emergent consequence of the holistic sum of all the
myriad behaviors embedded within. ...
the whole is more than
the sum of its parts
(Artificial Life by Steven Levy, 1993, p.8.)