Prof. Kazuo Mizuta
- Professor, School of Liberal Arts, Kyoto Sangyo
M.A. (English Literature) Western Michigan University.
The Popular Culture Association of Japan (President since April 1993).
Awards: Yomiuri Prize, 1988 for the Distinguished Essay: On the Pacific
Age -- Promoting a Pacific University.
- Books: The Structures of Everyday Life in Japan in the
Last Decade of the Twentieth Century, Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, New
York, 1993.
Papers: Paradigm Shift -- Think Globally, Act Locally, Journal of the
Institute of World Affairs and Culture, Kyoto Sangyo Univ., Vol.11,
- Prof. Mizuta formerly taught at the Dept. of East Asian
Languages and Literature as a teaching assistant. This experience has
influenced his later research toward comparative cultures between the
United States and Japan.
- He sees some catastrophic phases in which men are trapped.
He also sees the light that we are capable of creating new thinking and
behavioral patterns to tackle with tragic situations. But we must act
now because the future is now.
His family gives him great satisfaction. He also enjoys playing tennis
and finds it quite rewarding to take care of plants of various kinds.